Coach Kendall


Owner, 12U Director and Coach


With over seven years of coaching experience in indoor volleyball and a strong background in competitive beach volleyball, Coach Kendall brings a wealth of expertise and passion to Texas Diamonds. Growing up in San Antonio, TX, she played volleyball and was deeply inspired by the coaching of her father, who remains her greatest mentor.

As a coach and director, Kendall is dedicated to imparting essential life skills, responsibility, and teamwork to every group of girls she has the privilege to work with. Her coaching philosophy is deeply rooted in personal growth and character development, aiming to nurture not just skilled athletes but well-rounded individuals.

Outside of coaching, Kendall is an active player in the competitive beach volleyball circuit, constantly honing her skills and staying connected to the sport she loves.

A guiding light in Coach Kendall’s life is the verse from Philippians 4:6-7, which inspires her to instill a sense of peace and perseverance in her players.